Where Mitsubishi Products Can be Used

mitsubishiMitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating split-zone systems are specifically designed to bring more comfort into rooms that may be hot or cold within an existing building. They can be the perfect option for older buildings as they do not require ductwork. They can even be installed in buildings with plaster walls or brick facades. Mitsubishi Electric Systems can also be a great option for the home as they are excellent in enclosed sunrooms and upstairs bedrooms. They are also a good choice for classrooms, hospitals, nursing homes, restaurants, hotels, workout rooms, computer rooms, offices or churches. They also contribute to the air quality of the room, preventing the cross-flow of air contaminants by using an anti-allergen filter.

How does the Mitsubishi System Work

The Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating System is a convenient size and will fit into nearly any space. It’s unique engineering optimizes the INVERTER technology and R410A refrigerant and creates a more efficient system with smaller indoor and outdoor units. They are environmentally sound as well since R410A refrigerant has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and the units themselves are made of recycled materials.

When it comes to receiving the most innovative heating and cooling products on the market, consumers can often find what they need by choosing Mitsubishi Electric Cooling and heating equipment. However, these state of the art products are provided by trained contractors that have been through extensive installation and service training. Fortunately, Kirkland AC is a local Diamond Contractor, capable of providing superior installation and repair services for the latest heating and air equipment from Mitsubishi.

diamond-contractorHaving the Diamond level certification signifies that Kirkland AC has completed the most advanced levels of training, investing the time needed to fully understand every aspect of Mitsubishi Electric’s consumer product line for heating and cooling needs product, as well as other current models of Mitsubishi heating and air equipment.

The high distinction of Diamond Contractor is only given to companies that have proven their ability to provide professional and skilled services when it comes to the sales, installation, and maintenance of these products.

The Seven and Seven warranty is only offered by Mitsubishi Electric Diamond Contractors.

When working with a Diamond Contractor, consumers have the exclusive benefits of a seven year limited warranty on both compressors and parts. Kirkland AC is one of few local heating and air contractors who can provide this very valuable offer.